Sunday, March 25, 2018

Filming Day 2


I had such a fun time the second day of filming! That day the plan was to film all of the scenes that took place in the white room with the fish. I was feeling skeptical at first, but I'm actually pleasantly surprised with the outcome! 

That day I had "senior privilege," meaning I got to leave school early, so I had plenty of time to get home and completely demolish the Feng Shui of my living room before Leandro got out. You see, I have white walls in my living room and like most people I also have furniture, so you know when deciding where to film I was like "perfect! I'll just rearrange my entire living room and breakdown a three piece sectional couch by myself!!" Yeah it wasn't easy.

Once the couches were all out of the way, I had a pretty decent set to work with. I covered the carpet with white tablecloths I had bought at the dollar store , and I grabbed every single semi-portable light in my house for lighting- remember that tank I mentioned in my second post? let's just say Nemo didn't see the light of day for a while (he's okay I promise). I was honestly feeling pretty defeated as I was setting up. I didn't think it looked bad, but it wasn't amazing.

There was literally no way to make it look whiter....or so I thought. The camera's lovely ISO settings came to save me from peril last minute as I set it to the highest possible setting, and I actually screamed from joy- there's video proof of it but it is profane and as funny as it is, this is not the right platform but feel free to email me if you wanna see it ;)

I also had my wonderful best friend Andrea helping me set up, and later hyping me up while shooting- I'm serious if you can invest in a hype man whenever you shoot it is such a good boost for morale.
Not pictured: me screaming behind camera in pure joy.

Once that was done nothing could possibly bring me down. Leandro fell asleep and was like an hour late to the shoot but I was so happy I got the lights right I didn't care at all, plus he's such a joy to work with I don't even care as long as he makes it there- because shooting goes by so fast anyway. It's really cool working with an actor who actually wants to study performing arts, and it makes my job as director so much easier! He even asks to do retakes when he doesn't like how he did something, which is so great!

Leandro, winning his Oscar (not color corrected yet).
Because of that, shooting only took like two hours. All I had to do after they left was shoot the shots that were of only the fish. I don't think I've mentioned it, but I'm planning to animate the fish digitally. It'll work something like stop motion, but what I'm doing is I'm taking the same shot of the fish from all possible angles (by spinning it), and I'm creating assets for the individual expressions so that I can do all of the animation in post. 

Fish mom having a grand ol' time. 
I stayed up pretty late shooting the fish, but it was honestly not as painstaking as it sounds. It sounds kinda corny but I enjoy this project so much I don't really care about how time consuming it might be. I almost don't even care about the final product because of how much fun the journey has been, but I feel like saying that would jinx it SO FORGET I SAID ANYTHING!

OH I ALMOST FORGOT! I painted a poster of orchids to add to the set. It was pretty rushed and I know I can do better, but it serves its purpose!
I used photoshop to paint digitally, and then I got it printed. 

I think that's all for that day,
See ya next time!

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