Friday, March 2, 2018

I Have to Come Clean...

I may have been secretly working on my short since the beginning of the year...


I can't really pinpoint when my idea began to solidify, but I can think of a moment where bells rang:

Last year while on lockdown because of Hurricane Irma  I spent quite a bit of time staring at my living room aquarium. My dad had recently gone on what I assume is one of the many manifestations of middle age, and bought a 75 gallon saltwater tank. A monstrous tank for a fairly small living room,  which a single tiny clownfish had now conquered. I don't know how else to put this, but in short I ended up talking to this fish a lot. Now I'm not proud of myself for doing that but I have to admit it's surprisingly therapeutic. At this point I also realized that:

1) Fish are actually really interesting to watch
2) it would be really fun to have a Fish as a talking character in my short film.

This reminded me of last year's film intro,  in which I had my main characters speak directly to  an inanimate puppet and I couldn't help but see the parallels as an opportunity for storytelling. Now I wasn't really clear on what to do at this point in time, but I was pretty sure I wanted to put a talking fish in some part of my short film; hence the fish theme throughout my blog.

Here's a current sketch of the fish

This started a kind of subconscious process in which I found myself pulling together random scenes I thought of and trying to form a narrative- which I will discuss on a later blog post...

See ya then : )

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